Should the federal government fund a single-payer health care system for everyone?

The health care system in the United States currently consists of a hybrid of various private and government funded programs and policies.

With recent rises in health care costs and the removal of the individual mandate from the Affordable Care Act, there has been a push for reforming the health care system in the United States.

One proposal, sponsored in part by Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), expands Medicare and creates a single-payer health care system.

In this deliberation students will explore the issues surrounding this Medicare for All plan and answer the question: Should the federal government fund a single-payer health care system for everyone?


The Individual Mandate and the Affordable Care Act Sarah Kliff, Vox and Kimberly Leonard, Washington Examiner (3:23)

Public Opinion on Existing health care Policies Emily Barson and Tom Kise, United States of Care (2:04)

The Evolution of Universal Health Care Systems Sarah Kliff, Vox and Kimberly Leonard, Washington Examiner (1:54)

Single-Payer Health Care Plan- Medicare for All – Bernie Sanders (I-VT) (3:30)