Can the government ban indecency on TV?

On January 10, 2012, the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments over whether the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) can constitutionally prohibit television broadcasters from broadcasting nudity and adult language over the public airwaves. The case, FCC vs Fox Television Stations, et al, involves the First Amendment’s guarantees of free speech and press and the government’s role in regulating broadcast television.

Should people be able to say whatever they want on TV? Do current FCC regulations violate the First Amendment? You decide by watching these videos, reading the articles, and participating in a moot Supreme Court hearing on the issue in your classroom.


  • Students will understand how the First Amendment is interpreted by the Supreme Court.
  • Students will evaluate the arguments for and against regulation of indecency on broadcast television.
  • Students will participate in a moot court case.
  • Students will develop and defend a position on whether the government can constitutionally ban indecency on broadcast television.

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