What should Congress and the President do regarding Immigration reform?

Immigration policy has been challenging since our country’s earliest days. In April of 2013, the U.S. Senate proposed a comprehensive immigration bill. This was the work of a bipartisan coalition of Senators who called themselves the “Gang of Eight.”

Although the White House supports the Senate bill, some conservative House Republicans have concerns regarding its costs, border security measures and path to citizenship for illegal immigrants.

Learn about the positions of Senators, House members, and the President by watching C-SPAN videos, reading related articles, and using our lesson plan on immigration reform. Then participate in a “Deliberation” in your classroom regarding the possible actions Congress and the President could take.

Teaching About Immigration Reform

Background Video

Update on immigration reform in the House, 7/11/2013 - 2:45

Senate Proposal (2:49)

House of Representatives' Plan (1:40)


Background Articles



Senate and House Positions

The Gang of 8 (2:27)

Rep. Bob Goodlatte on immigration reform in the House, 7/11/2013 - 3:40

House Judiciary Chair Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) (3:34)

Rep. Steve King (R-IA) (2:36)

President Obama's Position

President Obama's Address on Immigration (1:34)



Additional Resources