What is the Best Way to Encourage Young Voters to Vote in Elections?

Post 9-11, youth voter participation increased, hitting an all-time high of 44.3% in the 2008 Presidential election (1). However, since then, there has been a decline in youth taking advantage of their right to vote. A recent 2014 poll by the Harvard Institute of Politics predicts that the 2014 Midterm Elections will have an all-time low voter turnout for youth or “millennials” aged 18-29 (3). Numerous reasons are cited for the decline and predicted low voter turnout such as the recession and its impact on student loans and lack of jobs, the Congressional gridlock, the loss of interest in the President and his policies, and a growing distrust in big government and big business (2). On the other hand, many claim that the millennial generation is passionate about the progress of the United States and is engaged in many volunteer organizations.

With millennials forming the biggest generation since the baby boomers, what is the best way to encourage youth to take their optimism and dedication to service and apply it at the voting booth?

Teaching About Youth Vote

Background Article

Explore Varying Viewpoints

Civic Education (3 mins)
Abby Kiesa, Youth Vote Researcher, CIRCLE

Issues Important to Youth (3 mins)
Andrew McCracken, Executive Director, National Campus Leadership Council

Meet with Representatives (1 min)
Andrew McCracken, Executive Director,National Campus Leadership Council

Explore Varying Viewpoints

Voter Registration Process (3 mins)
Stephanie Sanchez, College Democrats of America

Leadership and Personal Contact ( 3 mins)
Michael Krueger, College Republican National Committee